Dave The Web Guy

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Accident at Delaware Avenue and North St.


Rollover vehicle accident, Delaware Avenue & North Street, Buffalo.  Occurred @ approximately 8:33 PM. Scanner traffic hints at a female driver rescued, though there is no information on condition. Media contains 2 images and initial dispatch audio.

This incident occurred within "response range" of my studio. It gave me an opportunity to test out my empathy documentation protocol using a stealthy camera device I recently purchased for this specific type of incident .

For the moment I am not posting video from that device as part of the presentation here, nor would I anyway if it contained clear human trauma  (the fact that such a protocol exists should not be taken to mean that respect for humanity in content collection and ground journalism are somehow "dropped").  The run was simply a test.

Fortunately there is nothing to suggest that anyone was seriously injured, though as I mention above, there is no word one way or another on that. It just strikes me as survivable.

  By Dave for for BuffScan.

accident buffscan video

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