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Wait A Minute


Image of bad guy on porch.

Oh come on, not again.

This story is looking for a guilty party but acknowledges that without video, the initial investigators couldn't determine one.  

To me though, it sure reads like it's the homeowner. Something is off about a guy who spots a car that turns into his driveway and for some weird reason, immediately insists that it "leave".  

Why?  People turn into driveways all the time by accident and while one certainly doesn't want anyone "camping out" after, it's a bit strange to be so concerned that you have to send out your kid to "tell them to leave".  I mean, wait a few minutes right?

Something up with that guy.

But, okay, the actual story -- the reason it's circulating -- is because apparently the entire thing was never given to the DA to determine what might happen next.  The report was scribbled down and then the local department just shrugged on.

Strange all the way around.

  By Dave for Personal Blog.

guns subcivilsociety

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