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Stabbing Incident at 240 West Ferry


It's interesting that while I did have my phone active with the BuffScan live feed while commuting home yesterday, I didn't pay much attention to the call out for a stabbing. I did hear "stabbing", but I didn't hear or pay attention to the address of it. Had I, I might have known that I was driving head-first into a crime scene just a block or two from my house.

When I first encountered and posted media of the incident from the scene I had no idea what I was recording. I didn't associate the "stabbing" I had overheard with it (if I remembered it at all) largely, I imagine, because there was so much public safety response here, it seemed like something more dramatic than that.

In any case, yeah, I caught this post-stabbing ground footage of police and medical personnel managing the scene.

The address given in the radio call is technically the address of the Hope Refugee Drop-In Center but as there has been no MSM coverage or any police release yet to explain, I don't know if this is something that happened in the center itself, or was just some street brawl that occurred outside or around it.

  By BuffScan for BuffScan.

crime video

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