If you are one of the people who circulate among the social media or internet circles that a site like this might come to your attention through, it's fair to guess that you have some relationship to a police scanner.
You're the classical police scanning hobbyist, such as myself; work in public safety, or maybe work with the media.
Whatever the case, you're the type of person that needs to hear and know the following: Police scanners are going away. Police scanning is evaporating.
I am unfurling a vision of something to replace it that is much more exciting, engaging, and useful. And to the extent that it involves radios and structured radio communication, will by its very nature, actually save a variation of public safety monitoring despite all the foils of encryption and policy derision against chaotic transparency. In the world that I write out here, there will be something to tune in to and even to participate in directly -- if that world actualizes.
I need an opening entry, and something as plain and blunt as this one is really the gist, the point, and the start of a beautiful story.
You can read about the mission of this blog here.
 By BuffScan for BuffScan.
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