From my own dashcam this past week, these two cars going down Main Street almost collided. It looks like they were each trying to merge into each other's lane.
The Ram truck - heh, how poetic - literally rammed the other vehicle off the road almost entirely.
I would have sworn they made sufficient enough contact to want to stop and exchange information, but they seemed satisifed in a "no foul no harm" approach and went about their drives.
I catch these close calls all the time. Here's a similar event, also on Main Street, but in Amherst, that happened earlier last month. In this case, the driver totally blew a red light and the car turning in almost t-boned'em.
By the way, both videos are viewed better full screen.
The following are fresh listings in the publicly distributed Erie County Jail Roster as of yesterday.
Booking Date 1/17/2025
In providing this convenient aggregate listing please keep in mind the following: Incarceration in county jail does not imply guilt - statistically, most inmates are in fact legally innocent and are only incarcerated pending further legal proceedings. As well, many circumstances including mental health and addiction issues can lead to behavioral turbulence and conflicts with society that result in jail. In noting incarceration status please adopt a compassion-first regard.
For a variety of reasons the given list may not be all inclusive of those individuals actually processed.
 By BuffScan for BuffScan.
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