Note 1/15/25: My apologies, the guy resigned, he wasn't fired. I've updated this entry accordingly.
Well this is awkward.
Joseph Gramaglia has resigned as Police Commissioner leading everyone to speculate about why. As one reporter put to new Buffalo Mayor Chris Scanlon all the metrics for Buffalo crimefighting look great. Homicides are down, shootings are down, and all the what-nots. The guy did it!
But, when it comes to the murky world of police insider stuff, it's always difficult to know all the actual forces in play leading to such an abrupt walk. Hence all those cop shows about murky insider police stuff. Here's the obligatory link to a Reddit discussion where even the usually pointed and mouthy Redditors are having difficulty finding focus.
I think as a (cough) crime fighting academic I'm a little concerned to hear Chris be all talking about "different priorities" when in the first place everything does seem to be going as anyone would expect them under Gramaglia, and then, that the "different direction" being described as the basis of the separation is quite vauge.
Joe is reputed in reports as being a supporter of "evidence based policing" which our AI overlord masters describe as a style that drives actions based on data. So, you know, I guess when officers light up their vehicles for "directed patrol" it's to discourage bad people elements in a place where data shows bad people elements might tend to exist that day. And, again, results suggest that worked.
Chris Scalon however, points out that there now needs to be a focus on nuisance crimes, which, I am personally not against, being the guy who regularly prattles on in other forums about all these night creepers shaking door handles and all the porch pirates grifting away packages in plain view.
I guess what bothers me is that I wasn't aware there was a "this or that" schema before us here.
So, let's see where this goes. Being head of so many people means that so many people have to be comfortable with you. Maybe something about that is what is driving the murky police stuff.
The following are fresh listings in the publicly distributed Erie County Jail Roster as of yesterday.
Booking Date 1/13/2025
In providing this convenient aggregate listing please keep in mind the following: Incarceration in county jail does not imply guilt - statistically, most inmates are in fact legally innocent and are only incarcerated pending further legal proceedings. As well, many circumstances including mental health and addiction issues can lead to behavioral turbulence and conflicts with society that result in jail. In noting incarceration status please adopt a compassion-first regard.
For a variety of reasons the given list may not be all inclusive of those individuals actually processed.
 By BuffScan for BuffScan.
buffalopolice pokeyreport politics
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