Dorian Jones allegedly tried to make off with a Mercedes Friday night according to local news reports, using what was taken as an authentic gun at the moment. It didn't go as planned as he wound up shot by an off duty cop (reportedly not a Brazilian one, mind you) on Delaware Avenue.
The car he appears to have allegedly and initially gotten off with still had the owner's 13-year-old kid in it, if I'm interpreting the various reports correctly.
The off duty cop, also possibly the owner (ambiguity again owing to the wording of various reports) of the vehicle and child's father, let off a round from his firearm and struck Dorian, who was tracked to a nearby location with a bullet wound and subsequently taken to the hospital.
The allegedly kidnapped kid involved in all of this was okay.
This morning Dorian had court with the judge who seems to have imposed an $80,000 bail which he must not have been able to secure yet because tomorrow's BuffScan Pokey Report will show him as an inmate. Although not included earlier this morning, a refresh of the Erie County jail roster now, lists him.
So, from the scene of the crime, to the hospital, to court, to jail. All within what feels like 15 hours maybe.
At just 19, if everything given here is true, Dorian is really counting on a rich life stealing cars. New York's online court system shows that he was previously arrested for "unauthorized use of a vehicle" (cough -- clever wording preferred by legislators to avoid the phrase "stole a vehicle" for some reason) twice before Friday's escalation with gun theater.
Yes, twice.
The following are fresh listings in the publicly distributed Erie County Jail Roster as of yesterday.
Booking Date 1/10/2025
In providing this convenient aggregate listing please keep in mind the following: Incarceration in county jail does not imply guilt - statistically, most inmates are in fact legally innocent and are only incarcerated pending further legal proceedings. As well, many circumstances including mental health and addiction issues can lead to behavioral turbulence and conflicts with society that result in jail. In noting incarceration status please adopt a compassion-first regard.
For a variety of reasons the given list may not be all inclusive of those individuals actually processed.
 By BuffScan for BuffScan.
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