You may have noticed that the BuffScan live streaming scanner feed has been up since a whopping November under the same feed URL. Just prior to that it was going offline even more than average due to various network hiccups. And, each time, coming up with a new URL after I manually restored it.
This whole thing is after all hosted on residential infrastructure and prone to power outages if I toast bread and run the microwave at the same time. And more actually, network hiccups for no strange reason.
Well halleluiah to community engagement efforts. BuffScan appreciator "Mitchell" noticed my point about "bookmarking the channel" instead of the link, to mitigate this problem, and turned me on to a simple YouTube setting that would ensure that following such interruptions, as long as the OBS server itself doesn't crash (it's on a power backup), every stream would pick up under the active URL where it left off before. I should have figured there was one.
Have you ever tried simply turning off the auto-end functionality on YouTubes Live Streaming? Or, if you're streaming from the live-now function, have you tried the event based streaming under the bottom Manage icon? This allows you to stop the stream and start it without ending the full stream and producing a new link.
It took some time to demonstrate that this works, but it does. I have had a number of network interruptions since applying the setting and users on the public side never knew. The new resilience is incredible.
There is the caveat that the livestream cannot be played back for the period of time that such an interruption actually occurs, but I have to imagine this is rare. The important thing is that BuffScan keeps on -- well, "BuffScanning".
Thanks Mitchell! I haven't had cause to edit the BuffScan notes but suffice to say I'll be changing them to reflect that fact that, yes, now people can more confidently bookmark a URL directly to the feed if they want.
The following are fresh listings in the publicly distributed Erie County Jail Roster as of yesterday.
Booking Date 1/5/2025
In providing this convenient aggregate listing please keep in mind the following: Incarceration in county jail does not imply guilt - statistically, most inmates are in fact legally innocent and are only incarcerated pending further legal proceedings. As well, many circumstances including mental health and addiction issues can lead to behavioral turbulence and conflicts with society that result in jail. In noting incarceration status please adopt a compassion-first regard.
For a variety of reasons the given list may not be all inclusive of those individuals actually processed.
 By BuffScan for BuffScan.
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