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Blabbity Roster

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Blabbity Roster

The following are announcements or missives that I posted impulsively as one-liners here or to my social media channels. They are often grandiose waxing statements that I like to stare at while grinning, admiring my own unappreciated genius. I created this space so that I could sit down in one place to do both with maximium convenience.

Passing Thought
Most police pursuits today can be conducted technologically using a conflagration of things like Flock and city or police (or if the depth merited, private) cameras, so there's less and less need for the drama and risk of a rubber wheel chase. Somebody steals and runs can be picked up later in the week at home - possibly mystified by how they were caught. But for more serious events and risk actors, rubber wheel chases are still necessary.
Following the ISP outage on 2/10 and 2/11, the server used for livestreaming developed its own issue. I think I fixed it for now and it's up and running again. Thanks to everyone who continues to support the YouTube stream with likes and patronage.
Following the ISP outage on 2/10 and 2/11, the server used for livestreaming developed its own issue. I think I fixed it for now and it's up an running again. Thanks to everyone who continues to support the YouTube stream with likes and patronage.
Had a big upstream outage that took this site and the livestream offline. Still catching up. Monday's 2/11/25 Pokey Report will be posted closer to the end of today.
Had a big upstream outage that took this site and the livestream offline. Still catching up. Monday's 2/11/25 will be posted closer to the end of today.
The BuffScan NYC People Fusion engine is live! Find the link above.
BuffScan's presence on X has been restored.
BuffScan is no longer represented on X or @Threads. No plans to supplement this blog's content outside of YouTube for video hosting are currently being entertained.
Buffalo needs an aggressive sometimes reckless but always diverse and authentic news media landscape again.
Jump to @Threads from X is now complete. Please consider subscribing to @BuffaloScan on Threads.
Confucious say, "May you live in interesting times." BuffScan adds, "Because that would amount to incredible content."
Getting more active as @BuffaloScan on Threads.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
With chaos ensuing in the social media platform sector, BuffScan is only experimenting with a presence on Instagram and Threads. However, these are not being given full distribution attention and don't work well with the desktop-oriented workflow BuffScan uses. For now, I remain consistently active only at @BuffaloScan on X, YouTube, and this blog.
Passing Thought

When public safety departments encrypt their communication, traditional news outlets give that move coverage.  But traditional news outlets stand to gain, to re-commidify "news", as they will find paths to the radios regular people will not.


Working on this new top banner feature.  More to see!

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