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Dragged Into Court


A visitor to the BuffScan livestreaming YouTube channel asked if I could include towns outside Buffalo City proper in the current channel lineup of the scanner.  I assume that this is a direct result of the officer dragging incident that occurred in the town of Tonawanda on Sunday.  Once I became aware via the various Twitter accounts reporting on this matter, I turned to my own scanner feed to better understand what was happening.  Lo and behold though, I don't actually include Tonawanda police.

Whether or not that incident prompted the question, I thought I'd explain in longer-than-needs-to-be-I am-sure format why I don't carry all the surrounding township or village police departments. 

It really just boils down to poor reception.  My scanner sits on a desk here on West Ferry Avenue with nothing but its little original silver-stick antenna jutting out the back, and it just doesn't pull in all those little police departments well enough to not become a quality issue for the feed itself.  Sometimes the channels open with activity but the amplitude is very low, and this sounds terrible -- like little breaks in the stream where people are supposed to be talking but where you either can't hear them at all or just very little.

And the other reason has to do with the SDS200 scanner that I use being a bit of a slow poke when it comes to scanning.  The SDS200 is a great digital scanner, but it scans "slow" such that adding more and more endpoints to do so for, dramatically slows each scan cycle.  Ergo, I have to be very selective about what I add to the lineup or risk fragmenting continuity of individual conversations.  As much as possible, I keep the lineup focused strictly on Buffalo, with begrudged exceptions such as the awful-sounding AMR which I seriously considering taking out of the lineup (I'll take opinions on that one if anyone has one).

Mr. Bravado 

Speaking of that officer dragging incident, the local media is reporting that victim officer David Piatek is still in intensive care but coming along well, now in stable condition at the hospital.  And just as importantly, that a one Dareious Akbar has been arrested as the alleged driver or just signficantly involved well enough in putting Officer Piatek there, and is being charged.

Sample of Facebook accounts belonging to various Dareious Akbars

A simple search on Facebook reveals a number of local accounts with "Dareious Akbar", all of which could be him but of course can't be conclusively said to be.  Most of the accounts certainly depict pictures of someone who looks like the man they hauled into court today.  And most of them contain posts and comments in "mush-speak" literary expression as well as pictures and media of thug life bravado.

You have to hand it to these kids, or as in this case, young adults; they may come off with much bravado today, and stick to such bravado for many years even as they arc and maintain a trajectory downward, but let's check up on this idiot in 20 years. 

If he's not permanently caged by then, shot dead by police, shot dead by a street cohort, or shot dead by his own hand, we won't be surprised to find him that toothless asshole jangling a stolen grocery cart of plastic bottles down the middle of Main Street rambling about how rotten his life or whatever.  

I joke, but with today's digital technology, we could actually do this sort of protracted monitoring and updating of this guy's remaining dirt bag life. 

I dunno, let me think about it.

  By BuffScan for BuffScan.


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